1) r!

:r! python test.py

Let’s say test.py is a file with print(123) inside it.

This will run the existing file with Python. It will enter the output in Vim. Here is the breakdown:

  • : (command line)
  • r reads
  • ! executes linux command
  • python runs python with test.py file

2) !! (Bang Bang)

:.! python test.py

Alternatively, if you type !! in normal mode, this will type ! with a dot in command line like above. The same outcome will be achieved. Here is the breakdown.

  • . enter to current line
  • ! execute system command
  • python runs Python
  • % feeds current file to Python

3) Feed Python with a Quick Command

:.! python <<< "print(123)"

Previous outcome can be matched with Python command execution style mentioned here.

  • <<< feeds Python code from system’s temporary file system to Python Interpreter.
  • “” inside the quotes our content for Python command is formed
  • print(123) actual Python command itself
This is incredible as so many systems are used on the fly and in harmony. Vim, Linux OS and Python are utilized in two words and a few characters and the program’s result is written in the same file.

4) Feed Python with the Existing File

:.! python %

Finally, you can feed the existing Vim file to the Python directly and insert the output from Python on the cursor’s line. For this task, you need to feed % to Python representing the whole current file.

  • . enter to current line
  • ! execute system command
  • python runs Python
  • % feeds current file to Python
This is really next level scripting pipeline. I always appreciated Vim’s intuitive style for writing code and human language. When mix n matched with Python or Linux commands it gets even more impressive.

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